Home » Second week after mating

Second week after mating

door Hester
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Sunday january 18, 2015, 8th day after mating.

pups EvaWould Eva be pregnant? This question keeps us busy regularly. Breeders around us also start asking if we can see any changes in Eva’s behaviour. Even the slightest.  Yes, there are.. or is it whisfull thinking? Fortunately she has no morning sickness. No joke! This can happen to a pregnant female dog as well! 

What we see in Eva’s behaviour is that the sharp edges have disappeared. She is somewhat more calm. Not necessarily  the ringleader. She also sleeps more often.  Favorable signs, but it is still exciting..  On the 32nd day after mating we will have an ultrasound in the clinic in Sleeuwijk to see if Eva is pregnant. The appointment has been made; on Wednesday, February the 11th we know more …

Before that time, and also after that time, we keep an Eye on as much as possible. Besides there are some activities she cannot participate in for a while. No training courses and she won’t attend to dogshows. She won’t go into the field with the complete pack to avoid rough playing. No jumping and antics with Geoff and Veerle.  She has to get used to it. All for the best results. We do tell her so but if she wants to understand… We have to work on that a little.gewerkt worden.

Next tuesday we go to the vet for a first checkup. She is not ill of course, but we try to eliminate as much riscs as possible.

What happens inside Eva in the second week?

pups eva

Afbeelding van de baarmoeder van een hond waarop duidelijk de twee baarmoederhoornen zichtbaar zijn.

pups Eva

klompjes cellen delen zich tot embryo’s

If fertilization has taken place then this week’s lumps off cells (embryo) enter the uterus. Mother Nature ensures that the embryos are evenly distributed over the two uterine horns. The embryo cells will divide further in cells that are needed for forming a corpuscle..

At the end of this period, the embryo is still super small but there a head and a backbone is already formed. In addition “stubs” formed that will develop into the legs later on. Even a very small tail has not been forgotten.. So this is a very important period!



Illustrations: Setterworld


Read more on Eva’s Blog…

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